Dog breeds large and small

Dog breeds large and small

Sunday, 13 December 2015

4# Rottwheiler

The Rottweiler

The black and tan breed with a bad rap

A tough, strong, beast with a iron jaw power..... yet loving,caring, fiercely loyal and one of the most loyal and owner loving breed out their.

This breed not for the novice owner can be molded into a absolute gem is trained and socialized properly when young and given rules and shown respect. Rottweiler a breed given a very bad name by many is one of the most common dog breeds which is feared but why? because of just a few un- knowledged people who got the breed and didn't put in any effort to care for him or her or train.

As puppies cuteness is a big extra with this breed the loved black and tan coat in my opinion is a gorgeous coat color and emphasizing their little cute faces is one cute factor of this breed however buying this breed for beauty is not the way to go neither buying this breed for bruit strength and menacing looks either. Some buy this breed and they look "tough" and combined with a chain collar and lead people will buy this breed as a tough looking accessory and the breed or dog which wold be sometimes untrained and the breeds reputation will face the consequence if they then do something wrong as young not being shown right from wrong.

Shedding:Heavy black hair
Training: Easy and a must with this breed 
Owner: experienced level  or those who are highly knowledgeable and informed.
Exercise: Moderate energy level
Children: if as young socialized around a family and children and rough will grown up tolerate to it

Overall this breed is a breed i love for its pure loyalty ill to take a bullet form any member of their family or their own this breed a rose between many thorns which are the news stories miss understood these big old softies which i hope soon they will be seen for what true gorgeous and insanely loyal and extremely clever breed that they are. Thank you so much for reading this edition of STRICTLY DOGS.....

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